Frequently asked questions
Grade information?
Grades refers to the overall quality of the clothes
Grade A shows no apparent signs of wear, no marks or very small marks to the eye that would be easily removable, minimal defects are acceptable and should be in a near perfect re-wearable state. Please be aware this is second hand clothing. Labels can be from any UK high street brands and other generic labels. However please note these are not new clothes so they will not appear as crisp as a new garment.
Grade B is all rewearable and fantastic value for money, but does show signs of wear, will contain any of the following, bobbling, fading, small marks, maybe a small tare or a button missing. This is great for example, car boot sales, up cycling and export markets.
Premium shows no apparent signs of wear, no marks or holes and is in near perfect re-wearable state. Labels will include better High Street names such as Next, Wallis, Marks & Spencer, Debenhams, Top Shop, Miss Selfridge, River Island Zara etc. There will also be more attention to detail.
Unsorted / Original: Please note our unsorted stocks are literally unsorted so you will receive all the grades above.
How many pieces in a kg?
Probably our most asked question. Here are some rough figures to give you an approximate idea of how many pieces you receive to a kilogram. Please note the figures below are an average, you may receive slightly more or less, depending on weight of the individual garments.
Ladies summer mix = 6 to 7 garments.
Ladies winter mix = 4 to 5 garments.
Men's all seasons = 3 to 4 garments.
Kids summer mix = 6 to 7 garments.
Kids winter mix = 5 to 6 garments.
Can I return my order if I do not like the styles?
We cannot guarantee exact garment styles, gender, sizes and if style matching is a requirement for you then we suggest you visit our warehouse to view our stocks prior to purchasing.
Shipping information?
We deliver direct to most European countries and can assist in arranging shipments worldwide.
Please refer to our shipping page for rates. However please note that we do not take responsibility for any delays regarding shipping. We use reputable shipping services only.
Please look at our international shipping prices for Europe. We can request a shipping price for any countries not shown.
Warehouse visits?
Our Warehouse is open for warehouse visits, Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm.
Saturday mornings by arrangement with prior notice.
Please note we do not allow hand picking
Please call +447801684700 to make your appointment.