How to Apply for an EORI Number in Slovenia
### Kako zaprositi za EORI številko v Sloveniji?
Če želite trgovati z blagom v okviru Evropske unije, boste potrebovali EORI številko (Economic Operators' Registration and Identification Number). Ta številka je nujna za izvajanje carinskih in trgovinskih postopkov v EU. Tukaj je navodilo, kako zaprositi za EORI številko v Sloveniji.
#### Pogoji za vlogo
- **Registrirano podjetje:** Morate biti registrirano podjetje ali samostojni podjetnik z veljavnim številom DDV v Sloveniji.
- **Dostop do sistema eCarina:** Potrebujete dostop do sistema eCarina, ki ga vodi Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije.
#### Koraki za pridobitev EORI številke
1. **Prijavite se v sistem eCarina:**
- Obiščite [portal eCarina]( in se prijavite z vašo elektronsko identifikacijo ali e-podpisom.
2. **Izpolnite vlogo za EORI številko:**
- V sistemu izberite možnost "Vloga za EORI številko" in izpolnite obrazec z vašimi podjetniškimi podatki, kot so številka DDV, kontaktni podatki in opis poslovnih dejavnosti.
3. **Oddajte vlogo:**
- Preverite pravilnost podatkov in oddajte vlogo elektronsko.
4. **Prejmite EORI številko:**
- Po odobritvi vam bo dodeljena EORI številka. Obdelava vloge običajno traja nekaj delovnih dni.
#### Pomembne opombe
- EORI številka velja v vseh državah članicah EU.
- Če že imate EORI številko, ki jo je izdal drug član EU, vam ni treba zaprositi za novo številko.
- Za pomoč se obrnite na podporo sistema eCarina ali na Carinsko upravo Republike Slovenije.
### How to Apply for an EORI Number in Slovenia
If you want to trade goods within the European Union, you will need an EORI number (Economic Operators' Registration and Identification Number). This number is essential for conducting customs and trade procedures within the EU. Below is a guide on how to apply for an EORI number in Slovenia.
#### Requirements for Application
- **Registered Business:** You must be a registered business or sole trader with a valid VAT number in Slovenia.
- **Access to the eCustoms System:** You need access to the eCustoms system managed by the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
#### Steps to Apply for an EORI Number
1. **Log in to the eCustoms System:**
- Visit the [eCustoms portal]( and log in using your electronic identification or e-signature.
2. **Complete the EORI Application Form:**
- In the system, select the "EORI Number Application" option and fill out the form with your business details, such as VAT number, contact details, and a description of your business activities.
3. **Submit the Application:**
- Verify the information and submit the application electronically.
4. **Receive the EORI Number:**
- After approval, your EORI number will be issued. The processing typically takes a few business days.
#### Important Notes
- The EORI number is valid across all EU member states.
- If you already have an EORI number issued by another EU member state, you do not need to apply for a new one.
- For assistance, contact the eCustoms support or the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
Če želite trgovati z blagom v okviru Evropske unije, boste potrebovali EORI številko (Economic Operators' Registration and Identification Number). Ta številka je nujna za izvajanje carinskih in trgovinskih postopkov v EU. Tukaj je navodilo, kako zaprositi za EORI številko v Sloveniji.
#### Pogoji za vlogo
- **Registrirano podjetje:** Morate biti registrirano podjetje ali samostojni podjetnik z veljavnim številom DDV v Sloveniji.
- **Dostop do sistema eCarina:** Potrebujete dostop do sistema eCarina, ki ga vodi Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije.
#### Koraki za pridobitev EORI številke
1. **Prijavite se v sistem eCarina:**
- Obiščite [portal eCarina]( in se prijavite z vašo elektronsko identifikacijo ali e-podpisom.
2. **Izpolnite vlogo za EORI številko:**
- V sistemu izberite možnost "Vloga za EORI številko" in izpolnite obrazec z vašimi podjetniškimi podatki, kot so številka DDV, kontaktni podatki in opis poslovnih dejavnosti.
3. **Oddajte vlogo:**
- Preverite pravilnost podatkov in oddajte vlogo elektronsko.
4. **Prejmite EORI številko:**
- Po odobritvi vam bo dodeljena EORI številka. Obdelava vloge običajno traja nekaj delovnih dni.
#### Pomembne opombe
- EORI številka velja v vseh državah članicah EU.
- Če že imate EORI številko, ki jo je izdal drug član EU, vam ni treba zaprositi za novo številko.
- Za pomoč se obrnite na podporo sistema eCarina ali na Carinsko upravo Republike Slovenije.
### How to Apply for an EORI Number in Slovenia
If you want to trade goods within the European Union, you will need an EORI number (Economic Operators' Registration and Identification Number). This number is essential for conducting customs and trade procedures within the EU. Below is a guide on how to apply for an EORI number in Slovenia.
#### Requirements for Application
- **Registered Business:** You must be a registered business or sole trader with a valid VAT number in Slovenia.
- **Access to the eCustoms System:** You need access to the eCustoms system managed by the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
#### Steps to Apply for an EORI Number
1. **Log in to the eCustoms System:**
- Visit the [eCustoms portal]( and log in using your electronic identification or e-signature.
2. **Complete the EORI Application Form:**
- In the system, select the "EORI Number Application" option and fill out the form with your business details, such as VAT number, contact details, and a description of your business activities.
3. **Submit the Application:**
- Verify the information and submit the application electronically.
4. **Receive the EORI Number:**
- After approval, your EORI number will be issued. The processing typically takes a few business days.
#### Important Notes
- The EORI number is valid across all EU member states.
- If you already have an EORI number issued by another EU member state, you do not need to apply for a new one.
- For assistance, contact the eCustoms support or the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.